Consulting business
Consulting business
(for Asian corporations)
We at RAISE WORLD make proposals on the business models with great potential of realization in Eastern Africa.
We will support Japanese or Asian corporations in their strategic advance into new markets based on our experience.
Why now advancing into Eastern Africa?
What chances do we have?
There are three reasons:
- Economic situation
Now Eastern Africa is showing the economic situation like that in Southeast Asia ten years ago.
Historically, the manufacturing companies belonging to the primary industry, along with those belonging to the secondary industry are moving into the developing nations that are endeavoring to develop behind the scenes. It is therefore obvious that the promotion of industry is going to spread from Southeast Asia or Southern Asia to Eastern Africa.
- Languages
Unlike Western Africa where French is the major language, English is widely spread in Eastern Africa as a business language. We will therefore be able to develop our business and make new attempts without being troubled by the language barrier.
- In the future
It is certain that the Indian Ocean Rim Economic Zone will become more and more important as the next-generation supply chain in the future. This is the time that we should start the commerce centering at the Indian Ocean, that is, between Japan, Southeast and Southern Asia and Eastern Africa.
We at RAISE WORLD have established branches in Kenya and Ethiopia, which are in Eastern Africa, to do the support.
What RAISE WORLD can do

Even among African nations, some of them have their original regulations or business customs which are very different from those of other countries, which in some cases causes unexpected risk or troubles.We may bundle up everything of Africa; however, we should note that there are more than 50 countries and different cultures, as well as barriers to entry.
We at RAISE WORLD are endeavoring to solve the problems customers may have in relevant countries, based on the experience we have actually accumulated in respective countries and our local network.

RAISE WORLD’s support
We can support such companies as those listed below:
- Companies that wish to enter the overseas markets but do not know the method or order for that.
- Companies that are hesitant about starting advancing as they do not have local expertise or network.
- Companies interested in the future African markets.
Specialized industrial fields
RAISE WORLD specializes in five fields of plant, machinery, food, construction, and IT, etc.
We specialize in the industrial fields.
We conduct investigation in cooperation with the local network and are endeavoring to solve the problems our customers have.
For what we did in the past, please also refer to the hyperlinks in the section of introducing the industries.
Industry for plant / energy and crime / disaster prevention
Examples of export development:
Sale of crime prevention systems
Export of industrial machinery and plant facilities in the fields of iron & steel, energy development, paper manufacturing, fertilizer manufacturing, etc.; consulting for plant construction; sale of products for crime or disaster prevention.

Industry for machinery for manufacturers
Examples of export development:
Business of improving the food preservation technology
Export of machinery and equipment related to the plant machinery, agricultural irrigation systems, fishery-related facilities, cold chains in the fields of food plants, packaging plants, automobile parts manufacturing, pharmaceutical plants, plant utility, etc.

Industry for food, fishery, miscellaneous apparel products
Import business
Import and sale of food and miscellaneous apparel products in the African zone.
With our original brand “African Dream,” we are developing businesses in custom-made African dresses, Ethiopian-made coffee forest honey.

Industry for the ICT
Business of being consigned offshore development in Africa (entrusting software development to overseas parties), promotion of investigation of African partners, and support of overseas business tie-ups.

Industry for infrastructure / construction
Examples of export development:
Export of construction machinery and construction materials
Development of local sales markets for machinery and equipment concerning such lifeline facilities as water supply, water purification, gas and electricity, as well as machinery and equipment concerning civil engineering and building construction such as roads, bridges, harbors and buildings construction.

Case study
We wish to introduce to you the export development businesses we have so far carried out in various countries.
Business of improving nanobubble aquaculture technology

Tilapias, the fish eaten mainly in Africa, are often cultivated. However, the aquaculture technology which is on the way of development sometimes is of low productivity and sometimes leads to unhygienic condition. In Africa, where the nutrition of seafood has become again highlighted and more people are eating fish, we are engaged in verification to create a system fitted to each locality using the nanobubble technology originated in Japan to eradicate such a condition and to provide many African people with hygienic and reasonable fish.
Business of improving the food preservation technology

Since Africa has poor technology for food preservation, such as the cold chain, a significant amount of food is being disposed of before being consumed as it cannot reach the places of consumption. If we cannot transport food to distant places, the food must be consumed only around the production places: We will have to disposed the food we produce. To solve this problem we have brought the Japanese technology of vacuum packing into Africa, and is endeavoring to verify what kind of usage is effective and build up a new business model.
Business of developing fishery products

The fish people in many African countries such as Kenya, Ethiopia and Rwanda are eating, centers at tilapia, a freshwater fish. They eat very little saltwater fish. They usually cook them by deep-frying without batter or baking in a casserole. There may be a variety of ways of cooking the fish, however, they do not know any other ways as they have not developed those. We, therefore, are considering development of new edible fish along with the ways of developing products of ground fish flesh and manufacturing them. Our attention is focused on the fact that the ground fish flesh products are highly preservable and can be made of a wider variety of fish.
In Kenya, we have had local people taste the fish sausage, which was very well accepted.
Business of selling crime prevention systems

In Africa, many countries are still struggling to secure safety.
The instability in safety is not as small as in Japan: There are anti-government forces, conflicts between religions or races, terrorism, vicious crimes like mugging and murder, as well as minor crimes like theft and extortion. To maintain safety in Africa should lead not only to the citizens’ secured lives, but to the development of Africa through encouraging tourism, investment, advance by corporations, etc. from overseas. We are, therefore, endeavoring to sell crime prevention systems that allows us to detect suspicious persons in advance.
Business of improving wastewater treatment

In Africa, a large amount of industrial wastewater is discharged into rivers without being sufficiently processed. The unprocessed wastewater released in the upper reaches may devastate the health of the people living around the lower reaches and cause environmental pollution to. Nevertheless, since wastewater treatment requires much amount of money, they cannot arrange the system as they do in industrialized nations. To solve this problem, we are making endeavor in such activities as local inspection, introduction, technological and cost-related verification, etc. so that we will introduce the reasonable and highly cost effective wastewater treatment technology of Japan, including basic knowhow for discharged water processing and the nanobubble technology, to Africa.
Business of export of construction materials and machinery, and industrial wastewater treatment

There is a boom in construction in Africa at present, following the high economic growth. However, the people depend most of the construction materials and construction machinery on imports, there is a serious problem of the increasing construction costs and delay in construction schedule, and therefore they cannot catch up with the development in the economy. In addition, because wood is used as construction material for conventional construction methods, there are many cases in which safety during construction is jeopardized or defective construction occurs and, furthermore, there now is a serious problem of insufficient construction craftsmen. We are endeavoring to introduce the reasonable and high-quality construction materials and machinery of Japan, aiming at being helpful in African growth through proposals for the educational system for construction technology.
Details of our support
Way of advance and support / Consultation
RAISE WORLD is intended to help, in various countries in Eastern Africa, 01 Sales activities by visiting localities, 02 Support of agents, 03 Establishment of local office/corporation/joint-venture, and 04 Investment.
Whichever ways of doing business overseas are in your mind, we are ready to support in a strategical way based on our experience.
Targeting at successfully doing business overseas, we will inform you of the situation, advantageous or risky points of various countries so that we will eradicate the element of anxiety and will try to solve problems together. Please feel free to inquire if you have anything unclear or any other requests.
Support for doing business overseas
Strategic support to realize your business
- Counsel for your development of a new business model, and support of the feasibility study.
- Support of formulation of marketing strategies in Eastern Africa and sales activities.
- Counsel regarding commodity distribution and legal matters as well as support.
- Counsel concerning financial and taxation matters.
- Support of the EPC operation in the new projects.
Reflecting our strategic inspection
and preparation in your way of doing business overseas
Sales activities by visiting localities
- Assistance of local inspections.
- Service of advertisement agency.
- Assistance of the use of the JICA.
- Assistance in relation to commodity distribution or conclusion of agreements.
Support of agents
- Assistance for finding business partners.
- Guidance for or supervision of agents.
- Groping for cooperation with us.
Establishment of local office/corporation/joint-venture
- Assistance of local inspections.
- Assistance of procedures for concluding agreements.
- Assistance of establishment of a new system.
Investment only
- Assistance for finding business partners.
- Guidance for or supervision of the parties invested in.
- Groping for cooperation with us.
Import agency
- Inspection of local products.
- Acting as import agency.
- Assistance for product development.
We will be able to have simple discussion on a gratuitous basis.
Please inquire utilizing the email format presented below.
about our consulting businessApplication for the gratuitous counseling may also be made from here.
If you are interested in doing business overseas, please feel free to contact us as we will be able to have simple discussion on a gratuitous basis.
We wish to make proposals concerning our business support such as the discussion after this counseling along with local inspection.
Please note the language used will be English.
Inquiry using the email format
After completing your transmission, we will send you back our reply automatically.
Our staff member will contact you after that.